Monday, April 23, 2007

A Brief Introduction to Ms. Wonderful

So this is my first blog, my first entry.... and it is quite daunting. I am an eternal optimist, a daughter, friend to many and well-rounded geek :) I am at an interesting place in my life where career, family, friendship, and faith all collide. There are people and relationships that I have lost and other bonds which have been forged. This blog is about everything and nothing at all. The journey to my fighting weight (through healthy eating habits and hella exercise), beauty, politics, work, relationships and all the red tape in-between.

I am a believer of Jesus Christ and know that my faith in Him and His perfect will, a grande Starbucks mocha frappucino, the love of my family and friends and a bomb pair of Jimmy Choos will make everything A-OK. Welcome to the blog of Ms. Wonderful! There will be more to come soon!!